Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Traveler

End of a semester and we had to explain what we felt. Here's what came to mind:

The Traveler

A long road
Weary--full of fight,
A traveler looks down it
And sees no end in sight.

His steps are hesitant,
Even a bit scared.
He knows the struggles ahead
Leave him naught prepared.

He travels along, one track mind
One breath,
The road's filled with wonders
The likes of which, he couldn't guess.

The journey seems long
But short just the same,
Seems along the way
His body and mind he's learned to tame.

A sudden light hits him,
It's glow bright and new--
He has a rebirth of sorts
Pure as morning dew.

Discoveries here,
Frustrations abound
And yet, for the first time,
He feels completely aground.

His body is quiet,
His thoughts seemed to have slowen,
An inner peace as deep as this
He's never before known.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Feeling Alive

This poem came out of a creative movement assignment linked to initiation from the internal organs. It lead to some interesting results.

Feeling Alive
A powerful lightness,
A rejuvenating rush,
Power and pulses
Never before touched.

On every breath,
A movement takes wing,
A moment of joyous
Freedom doth sing.

Air rushing in,
Movement surprise,
Never before
Feeling this alive.

An awareness of senses
A breath, a light,
Mind and body
Both full of sight.

Never this present,
Never this real,
Was never forced
This freedom to feel.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Strange Longing

A Strange Longing
Emptiness surrounds me,
Fills my entire being
And I don’t know why.

A black pit,
Deep within my soul
Threatens to consume me.

I can’t understand this,
This strange longing,
This aching pain.

I’m a success,
I’m not lonely
And yet I yearn.

But what do I yearn for?
What do I need?
What do I desire?

Fame and fortune,
They are words
And have no effect on me.

I exist in a relationship
So I can’t be lonely
I don’t yearn for that.

But there is something deeper
Something that speaks
To my very soul.

But I can’t name it,
Identify it nor can
I label it.

It just exists,
Like a parasite
Refusing to release its host.

It’s burrowed itself
Deeply under my skin
Deeply into my very soul.

It won’t release
I can’t shake it
It remains.

What is this thing?
Why is it here?
What does it want?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

In Memory of our Beloved Joe Patenaude

This was written some time ago back on March 10, 2007 after finding out the head of Drew's theatre dept. passed away suddenly and tragically. RIP Joe, you still live forever in our hearts. 

And utter

Hands shaking,
Mouth too dry
to speak.
Heart pounds
In grief.

Realization hits.
Never hear
Your jokes
In the
Theatre Wing
Never see
You smile
Or hear
Your laugh.

No longer
Will you
Kid, cajole,
Rib or
Advise us.
No longer
Will our
Thrive under
Your dedicated
And extremely
Loving hand.

You have
Died and
Left this
Cold world.
But do
Not fear.
You are
No longer
Among the
Living, you
Will never
Be forgotten.

Forever, you’ll
Live on
In our hearts
And in

RIP Joseph Patenaude


I'm not sure where this one came from. Perhaps it was from being sick for several days that this angsty piece was written. 

It blinds me,
Rips my soul,
Tares at my being
Like a clawing tiger.
Agonizing fire
Burns through
My armor
Leaving meNaked
And vulnerable.

Its heat stabs me,
Sinking through
My flesh, searing it.
Howling in agony
That no one hears.
This pain is mine
Alone to bear.