Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Short Story Idea I've Been Playing Around With

So, as a competitive ballroom dancer, I tend to be in the dance world quite a bit. And, as a writer, my brain tends to zoom in on the macabre...yeah I like mysteries, crime novels and horror stories. I was at a competition not too long ago and this idea just popped into my head. I've been seeing where I should take it from here.

"Jessica Alverez had anticipated many things going into the competition. She anticipated doing well, because she and her partner had been rehearsing their routines for over four months. She anticipated feeling comfortable in her costume because it had been tailored to fit her body. She had even anticipated the hairstyle she was going to wear, since she had been researching various ones for weeks. The one thing Jessica Alverez did not anticipate about the competition, however, was the fact that she was going to die." 

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