Friday, August 2, 2013

What Do You See?

I was asked recently, "What's it like when you meet new people?" I had to think of that answer for a very long time, but this is the result. 

I often wonder
When you look at me,
Do you see who I am
Or who you think me to be?

Do you see a quiet
Sensitive soul
Bouncing around
Trying to reach a goal?

Or do you see Manic me
Running about
Thoughts fast as lightening
Me trying to shout?

Do you see me depressed
And feeling so low
Contemplating death
As the only way to go?

Do you see an artist
Who dances, acts and writes
To make a big break
As one of my fights?

Do you see me as crazy
Because of what labels me?
Do you give me a chance
Or is Lithium all that you see?

Do you see my ideas?
How I want things to be?
Or do you break me down
For my advocacy?

Do you see I have strength
Fighting daily as I do?
For some peace of mind
Or do you simply pooh-pooh?

Do you see me as less
Then what I am
Because, to function, my mind
Needs a medical dram?

Do you see me struggle
Fighting so hard
But instead of helping
You stab me with a shard?

Do you see something special
When I reveal to you my soul?
Or is ripping it up
Your only goal?

Do you see me
When I look in your eyes?
Do you see someone who lives
Or someone who dies?

Do you see a fighter
Or someone who quits?
Someone whose hand you'd shake
Or someone at whom you'd spit?

These are the questions
When meeting someone new.
Isn't it sad
What a stigma can do?

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