Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I wrote this for someone actually after a really intense week and things were said on both sides and now I'm embarking on a really epic and fantastic journey that is scaring me and thrilling me at the exact same time. Never before have I felt so wildly alive and for the first time in forever, my emotions are running fast, wild and deep. I don't know where it will go. I don't know what will happen but dear God it's exciting!

Life is full of surprises
Some good some bad
Some make us happy
While others make us sad.

Sometimes surprises
They come from the skies
Welcoming hellos when there are

If you open your eyes
And see what’s before,
You tend to realize
Life’s worth living for.

When in your gaze
Someone might appear
A person, a friend,
Whom you’ve always held dear.

Then something changes,
For the better I think,
Excited for everything,
I stand on the brink.

I see someone there,
Someone who makes me feel tall
Someone I’m getting to know
Someone for whom I’m starting to fall. 

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