Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Darkness Turns Into Light

So I'm officially doing the 30 poems in 30 days for the month of April. This is my second poem in the challenge. It was inspired by a dear friend of mine saving my lesson for next week by responding to one of my letters. I now have something to model for my students. Sometimes it is the smallest acts that mean the most. 

A long lonely night,
Dark and grim,
Made a bit brighter,
The light a little less dim.

What makes the change
From darkness to light?
From despair to hope
That sparks you to fight?

A friendly face?
The kindest of acts?
The warmth of a hug?
A small loving fact?

Maybe it's all,
Or maybe it's none,
But in your despair
Something reminds you of fun.

Mostly for me,
It's seeing a face
So filled with love
It shines with God's grace.

The hug of a friend,
A gentle hello,
Is the light through the dark
Where alone, you daren't go.